Hello guys! Recently, for some reason, I went to San Diego. While I would not recommend this traveling during the pandemic, should you need to go anywhere for any reason, I am here to give you a guide of what to expect, and how to stay safe, and also how to enjoy yourself if you are taking a vacation. While my experience may differ from yours because of where I actually went, it will be the same general type of precautions. So let us get started. Things different at the airport and on the plane Many things have changed at the airport, especially where I went. Most small shops have been closed. Everyone, as expected, was wearing masks. There were sanitization centers at every corner and every shop. Many other small yet major changes were that every other seat was blocked off, the tape was put on the floor to help with social distancing, and there was a lot of propaganda and reminders to social distance. Boarding was also a bit...
"BOO!" Halloween is one of the most popular holidays in America. Unfortunately, like most everything else, COVID has put the stopper on regular Halloween. However, being the smart and creative people humanity is, (Alternate:) BOO! Halloween is one of the most popular holidays in America. In days leading up to Halloween the young and old alike start crowding in the malls and stores in search of costumes, decorations, outfits, and accessories in order to create that perfect spooky evening. However, this year like everything else, COVID put a stop to a lot of those activities but thanks to creative thinking, people still figured out many clever ways to "trick or treat" safely and stopped COVID from ruining Halloween completely. In this blog, we'll talk about how Halloween was different in this highly unusual year. First, let's talk about one of the most important things: Costumes! Costumes this year was mostly like any other shopping expedition. The only d...